A QUEEN for such a time as this COACHING PROGRAM
Program Details
This is a three-month coaching program with 24 1-on-1, 1-hr Zoom Calls (8 calls/month). The program consists of three phases with self-reflection assignments in each phase.
Phase I – Identity Mapping Stage
In phase one, the “Identity Mapping” stage, we will discuss challenges and/or pain points to discover your areas of gifting. I will provide insight to help bring clarity on how your pain points have and/or can help build your character and serve as preparation for your purpose.
Phase II – In Christ Mind Renewal Session
During phase two, “In Christ Mind Renewal” sessions, we will tackle false narratives and learn what they do and how to replace them with the truth of God’s word so that your identity can be rooted in the covenant you have with Christ.
Phase III – Prayer & Declaration Identity Fortification
During the final phase, “Prayer & Declaration Identity Fortification”, we will create a prayer and declaration strategy to support your purpose plan. You will be fortified in your spirit as you are empowered by God’s word concerning your identity in Christ. Developing an in-depth knowledge about who you are will increase your trust in God and confidently propel you to take steps to be the QUEEN, He has called you to be “for such a time as this”.
By the end of this coaching program YOU WILL:
• Develop a stronger identity in Christ and be empowered and equipped by foundational truths in God’s word so you can walk in boldness and greater authority.
• Discover the spiritual and natural root causes including mental limitations that have been distorting your mental perception of how Christ sees you and how you see yourself in order to break free from your past.
• Learn practical and spiritual methods to address negative mental impressions and overcome spiritual attacks.
• Obtain greater clarity about your purpose and receive strategy and customized growth plans to help you align with God’s plans(s) for your life so you can fulfil your destiny in Christ.
• Develop increased self-worth and confidence through discussion, journaling and self-reflection assignments.
• Build a stronger faith in Christ through strategic prayer and declaration tools.
• Walk in greater intimacy in with Christ and in increased sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
• Gain clarity about your uniqueness within the body of Christ and understand how you can utilize the lessons learnt from your pain points to bless the lives of others.
• Complimentary electronic copy of my book “Boosting the Inner Esther 21-Day Devotional”.
• BECAUSE I AM A QUEEN journal and pen.
Your investment: $2100
All payments are non-refundable.