
“Awesome word spoken on being encouraged by Marshanell! I felt the anointing of God, pouring into my spirit as she shared God's Word of Truth. I am encouraged between the promise and manifestation. ”


“ We ALL were BLESSED by the Scriptures in the message and the word direct from ALMIGHTY GOD to: "Be Encouraged, GOD Has Not Forgotten."


“It was a powerful message.  I was encouraged by the message. It spoke to me, I surely needed to hear...Thank you Marshanell. It is worth listening to again.”


“Marshanell Levy delivered a very powerful message. "God has not forgotten me". He is the God who sees, Jehovah Roi. I will be reading the scriptures that she referenced .”


“Thanks, truly it was an uplifting word of encouragement.”


“Marshanell was a blessing to all of us. She is truly in touch with our Lord and He loves her and she loves Him with her whole heart. I thank God for her faith and trust she has in Him and the love she has for people. POWERFUL.”


“Thank you for sharing the message. The prayer was one of the most comprehensive prayers I’ve ever heard. Marshanell is a weapon in the hand of God. I look forward to hearing this powerful woman again and again.”


“Marshanell is quite an articulate and confident speaker. I like the way she emphasized on the role of praise and worship. We need to hear more about this topic-Power of Praise. God dwells on the praises of his people. I wish you sang a worship song or two! I'm sure you have a golden voice!”