My call to be a coach stems from the heart of God. My desire is to help you answer your “For Such A Time as This” call. I have had many life experiences, highs and rock bottom circumstances. But I’ve learnt that God uses everything, even the ugly things, to create the beautiful “Story of You”. I like to call myself “God’s Collage” because my life has been so colorful!
I am a Certified Mental Health Coach through Light University which is accredited by The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). My journey includes a diverse 25-year professional career within the Federal Government, Business, Education, Public Relations and Not-for-Profit sectors. I worked as a hospital volunteer for 15 years on the Emergency Ward and in the Children’s Hospital, and I was deployed to Haiti and The Dominican Republic to visit medical clinics while working for a Not-for-profit Health and Development Agency and witnessed God’s mercy and grace in action at Maternal Health Care Clinics and Community Health Awareness Facilities. These experiences coupled with serving God for over 25 years in various capacities such as Sunday School Teacher, Praise and Worship Leader, Prophetic Dancer, Prophetic Intercessor, Outreach Coordinator, Mental Health Coach First Aid Responder, and in many other roles have taught me a lot about how to serve others and walk in the Spirit to overcome.
As a former Trainer and Facilitator with the Canada Revenue Agency for New Hires and award recipient of the most S.T.A.R. and Kudos From the Public Awards out over 43,000 employees, I designed and created all training materials and presented and facilitated training sessions with a strong focus on service excellence. I ensured that new hires experienced my passion about providing quality service by sharing personal insights and tips to equip them with hands-on experience and the tools they needed to successfully perform their duties. Similarly, my clients will benefit from well-organized coaching sessions and self-reflection materials that will give them practical insight on how to grow in their identity in Christ and grow in their ability to apply what we discuss in their everyday lives. In addition, my certifications in Signature Customer Service, Prayer Counselling, Empathetic Listening, Diversity Training, Health Care Compliance, Crisis Management, Prayer & Deliverance and Prophetic Ministry along with my life experiences have taught me about my identity in Christ and how to walk in His authority. Knowing who I am and whose I am is why I could stand firmly and press through the pain, the highs, and the lows of “the process”. One thing’s for sure, with God nothing is wasted because HE uses everything for our good! He is committed to your process.
After graduating Summa Cum Laude and Gold Medallist with a Bachelor’s degree in French Language at Western University, I completed my Master’s degree in French Literature which enables me to apply strong analytical and critical reasoning skills. During my graduate studies, I worked as a French Instructor which provided me with invaluable skill sets including how to develop effective course materials and creative teaching methods to explain concepts and how to observe whether a person understands the material and knowledge that is being transferred to them. I will utilize these skill sets to ensure mutual understanding between me and my clients and make them feel nurtured as I encourage them to expand their thought process. Additionally, my degree in Biology gives me a structured and results-oriented approach to help my clients learn and grow.
I am partnering with God and you because I am equally committed to help you discover your identity in Christ and strengthen your faith. As we work together, I will lend an empathetic ear, utilize a sound and non-judgmental approach to help you focus, reflect and define your identity in Christ. I look forward to coaching you in English or in French. I will walk alongside of you to help you grow in confidence and propel you into your purpose so that you can be the “Esther”, the queen that God has uniquely designed you to be for such a time as this!!
Marshanell Levy, BSc., BA, MA
“I’d love to help you understand and solidify your identity in Christ. There is no greater empowerment to walking in purpose.”